The Thomas Poole Library - Nether Stowey
The Thomas Poole Library - Nether Stowey

Castle Street
Nether Stowey, TA5 1LN


Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00-1:00 pm Thur 3:30 – 6:30 pm Fri 2:00-5:00 pm Sat, 10:00 – 1:00 pm
Tue, Sun Closed

Phone number
01278 741732

The Sound of One Hand

The Sound of One Hand

A reading from the author Satyadasa

A reading from The Sound of One Hand by the author Satyadasa

The Sound of One Hand is a delightful, humorous and honest memoir which follows Satyadasa’s struggles and experiences on his Buddhist path. He was born with one hand missing, but his disability doesn’t play a significant part in Satyadasa’s story – until the end of the book when he acknowledges its significance.  A talented storyteller, the author recounts, with a light and engaging style, his personal journey and the early years of the Triratna Order and how it has developed. 

Satyadasa is a lawyer, health coach and member of the Triratna Buddhist Order since 2011. He teaches at the London Buddhist Centre, leads retreats, gives talks and is currently the Buddhist tutor at Eton College. He lives with his family in East London.

(Alfoxton Park in Holford is owned and managed by a Triratna Buddhist community).

Donations gratefully received for Alfoxton Park.


08 - Mar - 23


7:30 pm


The Thomas Poole Library
Castle, Street, Nether Stowey, TL5 1LN