The Thomas Poole Library - Nether Stowey
The Thomas Poole Library - Nether Stowey

Castle Street
Nether Stowey, TA5 1LN


Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00-1:00 pm Thur 3:30 – 6:30 pm Fri 2:00-5:00 pm Sat, 10:00 – 1:00 pm
Tue, Sun Closed

Phone number
01278 741732

Visit from the High Sheriff

Visit from the High Sheriff

Visit from the High Sheriff On 1st July, we had a visit from the High Sheriff of Somerset, Thomas Sheppard, accompanied by the Chief Executive of the Somerset Community Fund, visited The Thomas Poole Library Nether Stowey. The Library was one of five organisations...
Can You Help?

Can You Help?

CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS! – Can you Help? If you would you like to meet more people, make new friends and play an active role in ensuring our library continues to operate successfully, then read on…………….. Our fantastic volunteers play...
Somerset’s First Female FireFighter

Somerset’s First Female FireFighter

The Thomas Poole Library’s Contribution to The Old Gaol. In Memory of Marion Evered Nov 1921 – Feb 2020 SOMERSET’S FIRST FEMALE FIREFIGHTER Marion, a former long-standing resident of Nether Stowey, was the first-ever female firefighter to join the former...
Thomas Poole’s Legacy to Stowey

Thomas Poole’s Legacy to Stowey

The Thomas Poole Library’s Contribution to The Old Gaol. The Old Gaol, located in the centre of Nether Stowey, was once used as the village lock-up for drunks’ confinement, usually released the next day, or to hold people to be brought before the local...
Adapting the Classics for Radio

Adapting the Classics for Radio

Steve Chambers, award-winning dramatist, scriptwriter and novelist, enthralled us with his insight into adapting classical books for the radio. Steve outlined several titles he had adapted and for each, he read to us an illustrative section of the story followed by a...