The Thomas Poole Library - Nether Stowey
The Thomas Poole Library - Nether Stowey

Castle Street
Nether Stowey, TA5 1LN


Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00-1:00 pm Thur 3:30 – 6:30 pm Fri 2:00-5:00 pm Sat, 10:00 – 1:00 pm
Tue, Sun Closed

Phone number
01278 741732

Olympic Games from 1984 – 2012 by Kit Houghton

Olympic Games from 1984 – 2012

A talk by Kit Houghton

Join us for a talk by Kit Houghton from Kit Houghton Photography about the Olympic Games from 1984 to 2012, specifically the equestrian sports of dressage, eventing, and show jumping.

Kit will give us a background on how the media works at the Olympics, including information about transporting the horses and the equipment needed and general anecdotes about what can go wrong!

The photo attached is a picture of the opening ceremony at the Los Angeles Olympics, which Kit sent through.

Entrance fees are for members, £3.50 and for non-members, £4.50.


09 - Apr - 25


7:30 pm


The Thomas Poole Library
Castle, Street, Nether Stowey, TL5 1LN